2019 was the first time that PATPI held the PATPI AWARD. The grand final to decide the winners was held together with the PATPI international seminar forum, on 29-30 July 2019. Located at the Puri Residence Setiabudhi hotel in Bandung, the selection of nominees has appointed the following winners:

  1. Agung Nugroho, S.TP., M.Sc., Ph.D (From PATPI Banjarmasin Branch)
  2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Elfi Anis Saati, MP. (From PATPI Malang Branch)
  3. Ardiansyah, S.TP., M.Si, Ph.D (From PATPI Jakarta Branch)

The initial phase include the document assessment process (desk evaluation) of the 14 proposed 2019 PATPI award recipients, and carried on with the final assessment process, namely presentations related to superior achievements, creative and innovative value-added ideas with a 10-minute presentation duration and a five-minute question and answer session. At the Grand Final, the Chairmen of the Patpi Branches and other Patpi members also had the opportunity to attend the event.

The PATPI Award is considered as an event that can increase the competence and capacity of PATPI members to enhance their knowledge in their fields, and the winners are expected to represent PATPI in international events if required.

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