IUFoST message through Prof Aman regarding Discussion Forum

Dear the Chairmen of Branches and all Patpiers,

We hereby inform you that IUFoST will hold a Discussion Forum (Webinar) on October 7th, 2021, as follows::

  1. The purpose of the Forum is to get an idea of what programs/activities are related to the role of food experts/food technologists that can support the achievement of the SDGs (eg SDG No 2, Zero hunger: End hunger, Achieve food security, Promote sustainable agriculture).
  2. Indonesia and several other countries are expected to become role models to provide local solutions with science-based evidence that can be applied to global problems.
  3. The discussion results shall be used to create a material for the Declaration and Action Plan – IUFoST to commemorate World Food Day (WFD).


In this regard, we hereby request that you:

  1. Can convey ideas according to the objectives of the Forum, namely about programs/activities that can support the achievement of the SDGs, and/or
  2. Participate in the IUFoST Webinar on 7th, October 2021 at 00 Eastern Time North America (18.00 WIB), with prior registration at the link below.


For ideas/suggestions related to (1) please submit them through the PATPI Secretariat or directly to my WA/Email, before October 6th, 2021. Thank you.

Sept 28th, 2021

Best Regards,

Umar Santoso

