Welcome Speech from the National Chairman of PATPI

Umar Santoso, Prof Dr.
Welcome ……..
Welcome, dear Ladies and Gentlemen ……………..
Please meet The Indonesian Association of Food Technologists (PATPI).
You are currently on the web page of a professional association or organization which engaging object is food. Anyone cannot be separated from this one ingredient, because people cannot live without food. Because food is so important and because food determines all aspects of ourselves, there is a saying “You are what you eat”.
To achieve the availability of adequate food both in quantity and quality, the use of technology cannot be avoided. The challenges of global food security are the ever-increasing demand for food, changes in diet, climate change, and high food loss and waste due to inefficiency in processing and handling. These challenges will be difficult to overcome without the use of food technology. Food technology is the application of science and engineering to the entire chain of cultivation of food/agricultural products from harvesting until ready to eat. The chain covers all aspects from raw material handling, processing, preservation, storage, packaging, distribution, utilization (acceptability and nutritional value), and public health. It is also difficult to fulfill consumer demands today and in the future without the use of food technology.
The objective of the Indonesian Association of Food Technologists (PATPI) is to foster and develop the field of expertise and the profession of Food Technology in general, to develop and apply food technology in Indonesia in particular, and to improve its members’ professional skills.
Currently, there are 28 PATPI Branches throughout Indonesia with around 900 members from various universities, research institutes and the food industry, it is estimated that this number will always increase in the coming years. It is hoped that food technologists can always improve their profession in order for them to contribute more to the national development of the food sector. Although the focus is on technology, food technologists are also expected to be obligated to play a role in overcoming problems within the area of food in general.
PATPI is a member of the federation of institute of food science and technology in Asean (FIFSTA, Federation of Institute of Food Science and Technology in ASEAN), and has become a member of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST).
PATPI stimulates and enhances the progress of Indonesian food science and technology through education development programs, training, seminars, symposia, workshops and other events, both domestically and internationally. Many other programs that can be carried out include facilitating the exchange of ideas and knowledge through journal publications, book writing, proceedings and other information through social media.
PATPI is expected to increase the role of food science and technology in order to help to stabilize food security both domestically and globally for mutual prosperity. In this regard, PATPI is ready to cooperate with various parties, including the Government, industry, professional associations and the wider community, both domestically and abroad.
Good luck……
Umar Santoso, Prof Dr.
(The National Chairman of PATPI)