Curriculum Webinar “Preparation of the MBKM and OBE-Based Curriculum Towards International Accreditation”
Inviting the Dean, Head of Study Program and lecturers who develop TP, ITP, THP curriculum throughout Indonesia in the following event:
CURRICULUM WEBINAR: Preparation of MBKM and OBE Based Curriculum Towards International Accreditation held by PATPI Yogyakarta in collaboration with FATIPA UNISRI
– Dr. Rer.nat. Nandi, S.Pd., MT., M.Sc. (AQAS International Accreditation Consultant)
– Dr. Ir. Feri Kusnandar, M.Sc. (Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs FATETA-IPB)
– Dr. Siti Narsito Wulan (Head of Study Program of ITP-UB)
– Dr. Ir. Tyas Utami, M.Sc. (Head of Departement of TPHP-UGM),
Webinar will be held on:
Day,date : Monday, August 9th, 2021
Time: 08.30-finish
The webinar is FREE and please register through the newest link due to limited slots.
Vivi Nur’aini, S.Pi, M.Sc (085647480535)
Irvia Resti, S.TP., M.Sc (082113499036)