The Indonesian Association of Food Technologists is a professional organization whose members are academicians and practitioners engaged in food technology.
PATPI was formed with an objective to foster and develop Food Technology expertise sector, including other sciences related to the food sector, as well as to implement Food Technology in Indonesia, and to increase professional skills and abilities that are closely related to the work activities of its members in the field of Food Technology.
PATPI is engaged in Food Technology, which scope includes the application of basic science including chemistry, physics, and microbiology as well as engineering, economics and management principles in the entire chain of food cultivation from harvest to consumption.
The food cultivation chain includes aspects of raw material handling, processing, preservation, packaging, storage, distribution, quality control, safety, acceptability, and development of new food products, as well as aspects of nutrition and public health.
"Enhancing Indonesian food technology for mutual prosperity and well-being"

PATPI Branches
At the moment Central PATPI is domiciled in Jakarta, and up to the year 2020 there are 32 PATPI Branches that have been established, they are Denpasar, Bandar Lampung, Bandung, Bogor, Jakarta, Jember, Malang, Mataram, Palembang, Semarang, Manado, Padang, Medan, Surabaya, Makassar, Yogyakarta, Samarinda, Banda Aceh, Banyumas, Riau, Kendari, Ambon, Surakarta, Kupang, Gorontalo, Bengkulu, Ternate, Pontianak, Serang, Banjarmasin, Jambi and Papua.
PATPI Activities
The followings are PATPI activities

Scientific Journal
PATPI publishes accredited scientific journals, namely the Journal of Food Technology and Industry, as the official publication of PATPI, and is managed in collaboration with the Department of Food Science and Technology of IPB. This journal is published twice a year and communicates the latest information on research results, scientific reviews, brief communications, industrial packages, and other related information in the field of food science and technology.

PATPI also plays an active role in national and international seminars.

In addition to scientific journals, PATPI also publishes a number of books including: Encyclopaedia of Indonesian Food Products, 1st and 2nd editions, and Good Quality Indonesian Food.

PATPI always strive to cooperate with other professional organizations, government agencies and the food industry for the development of Food Technology in Indonesia. Cooperation is carried out, for example, in the fields of research and product development, education and training, as well as technical consultation on specific problems experienced by the food industry; including sponsorship for holding seminars/conference related to company promotion.
The role of PATPI

Organizational Structure