Report of FIFSTA Meeting 2019 in Bali

Report of FIFSTA Meeting 2019 Bali, in conjunction with the 16th AFC 15-18 October 2019, Bali, Indonesia

October 16, 2019 Grand Bali Beach Hotel – Sanur

15.30-18.00 ICST (WITA)

Chaired by: Dr Umar Santoso on behalf of FIFSTA President

The meeting was attended by FIFSTA Members:

  1. Cambodia (CAFST President – Dr Kong Thong)
  2. Indonesia (IAFT President – Dr Umar Santoso)
  3. Malaysia (MIFT President – Dr Yew Ming Koh)
  4. Myanmar (FoSTA President – Dr Daw Tin Swe Aye)
  5. Philippine (PAFT President – Dr Lotis Fransisco)
  6. Singapore (SIFST President – Dr Richard Khaw)
  7. Thailand (FoSTAT Vice President – Dr Saiwarun Chaiwanichsiri)
  8. Vietnam (VAFoST Vice President – Dr Nguyen Du Lam)
  9. The meeting was also attended by :
  10. Dr Mary K Schmidl – President of IUFoST
  11. Dr V Prakash – Interim President Elect of IUFoST.
  12. Dr Winiati P Rahayu (IAFT Advisory board member)
  13. Dr Rindit Pambayun (IAFT Advisory board member)
  14. Dr Giyatmi (IAFT Vice President)
  15. Feri Kusnandar (IAFT Vice President)
  16. Dr Meta Mahendradatta (IAFT Vice President)
  17. Ms Shisa Wiboonchat (Secretary of FoSTAT)


  1. The Chair opened the meeting by expressing Welcome to all participants and introduction about the meeting and agenda.
  2. It was agreed that Dr Mary and Dr Prakash, both of them were given opportunity to give a short speak prior to the meeting. After delivering speech and short discussion both of them were pleased to leave the forum.
  3. Matters arising: Dr Richard reminded for the Invoice of Student competition charge that 50% of the fee will be supported by FIFSTA Account.
  4. In her short speech, after expressing gratitude for the invitation, Dr Mary explained some about the recent turmoil in the IUFoST Governance.
    1. She firstly said that it is a long and complex problem in IUFoST, appeared since or before World Congress in Mumbay 2018. It is a difficult problem, but she wants the situation will be solved and be recovered soon. FIFSTA members are expected to support the effort for the recovery.
    2. Dr Prakash also gave a comment or a little talk concerning IUFoST situation, he seemed aware that his position is as an Acting or Interim President Elect. He also hope IUFoST will be in a normal condition soon and will be better in the future, he expected FIFSTA can support for making IUFoST better in the future.
    3. There was no a significant comment from FIFSTA members. They seemed to be in a neutral position, because generally they do not know exactly about the true problem in IUFoST governance. However, actually FIFSTA really want this unfortunate situation can be finished as soon as possible.
    4. Dr Mary and Dr Prakash reminded about the IUFoST World Congress 2020 New Zealand. They hope all FIFSTA members are able to take part in the IUFoST World Congress in New Zealand, 17- 20 August 2020.
  1. Dr Koh spoke about the plan of the 17th AFC 2021 in Malaysia, he proposed this event can be joined with another related event in Malaysia, e.g.
  2. Dr Richard and Dr Winny : Book of The Uniqueness of ASEAN Foods will be published in Singapore, but if until the end of November 2019 there is no progress (will be informed by Dr Richard), the book will be published in Bogor , Indonesia by Dr Winny.
  3. It was scheduled that the next FIFSTA meeting will be held in June 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand, in conjunction with the FOOD INNOVATION ASIA CONFERENCE 2020, 8-12 June.
  4. It was agreed that Laos and Brunei are expected/motivated to join in the next FIFSTA meeting, so that the 10 ASEAN countries can be as active members of FIFSTA.
  5. By expressing Praise to God the meeting was closed by Chair, and at 06.00 pm all participants were invited to join a dinner.

Thank you.

Bali, October 25, 2019


Umar Santoso

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