Event Seminar

Webinar Nasional: “Potensi dan Prospek Komoditas Lokal Unggulan sebagai Ingredien Fungsional”

Pusat Pengembangan dan Penerapan Teknologi (P3T), Unsoed bekerja sama dengan PATPI Cabang Banyumas, Litbang Pertanian […]

Event Seminar

International Webinar: “The Science Behind the Quality of Belgian Chocolate”

Dear Friends and Colleagues, You are cordially invited to join our International Webinar: “The science […]

Event Seminar

Call for Paper: The 1st UNHAS International Conference on Agricultural Technology (UICAT)

EARLY BIRDS EXTENDED UNTIL 10 AUGUST 21 FOR 1st UICAT 2021 PAPERS Department of Agricultural […]

Event Seminar

Webinar Kurikulum “Penyiapan Kurikulum Berbasis MBKM dan OBE Menuju Akreditasi Internasional”

Mengundang Dekan, Kaprodi dan para dosen pengembang kurikulum TP, ITP, THP di seluruh Indonesia dalam […]

Event Seminar
Event Seminar

Webinar “Entrepreneurs, Trends and New Technologies in Food and Beverage”

PATPI, DFST, and F-Techno IPB University proudly present: Webinar “Entrepreneurs, Trends and New Technologies in […]

Event Seminar

The 6th International Conference on Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources 2021

The 6th International Conference on Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources 2021
Event Seminar


  Indonesian Association of Food Technologists (IAFT/PATPI) Medan in collaboration with Department of Food Science […]

Event Seminar

Science and Sustainable Food Systems in Southeast Asia – Challenges and Ways Forward

Science and Sustainable Food Systems in Southeast Asia – Challenges and Ways Forward Convened by […]

Event Seminar

Webinar “Agrofood Technopreneur”

Bagaimanakah tren masa depan untuk Agrofood? Dimanakah peran teknologi untuk entrepreneur Indonesia? Webinar Series Tema […]

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