Pemesanan Buku PATPI

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The Uniqueness of ASEAN FOODS – FIFSTA (2019/2020)
versi cetak Rp. 200.000

This book gives all information related to the foods including description, raw material, technology and production process, nutritional properties, serving and consuming method. In addition, this book includes pictures of the products. Flow chart and diagram of the food processing is
also included to illustrate more clearly how the food is made. The discussion of each of the foods was made not too long yet covers the important points of each discussion, so that readers can understand well.

Editors: Winiati P Rahayu, Lee Kim Lian
ISBN: 978-602-440-996-8
EISBN: 978-623-256-534-0
Form pemesanan versi cetak (tersedia 41 eksemplar):–cetak
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